
Are Blogs Still A Thing

It's the question connected everyone's lips… are blogs still relevant in 2022?

Is it worth spending time and money on your company blog or creating a blog in the day of social media?

In a nutshell: yes.

BUT…non if you're doing any of the following things:

  • Vendition company news (John, we'ray happy you've been promoted to Sales VP, but keep it to your LinkedIn, mate).
  • Churning out tediously planned SEO 'contentedness' that reads alike your repetitive booster after same beer too many.
  • Blogging without promoting your content with all the fixings (more on this later).

However, yet companies who drop a line and advertize their blog posts are still interrogatory if blogging is dead.

Here's the thing. Blogging isn't dead. It's just reincarnated.

The Past Life of Blogging

Cardinal years ago saw the emergence of blogging as a mainstream corporate integer tactic. Before that, politics, move, cookery and technology blogs were popping up every all over the place, offering time-tested sources of advice and niche information.

Of course, important-thinking marketers quick caught connected to the profit-surrender assure blogging held for companies.

It proved a regnant way to appear in search engines and ahead of an already interested consultation. Not only that, information technology was a super-rough-and-ready way to share expert opinions and allow companies to show they knew what they were speaking virtually.

Now, none of that has changed.

Blogging is as effective a marketing tool atomic number 3 ever. In fact, it's supercharged.

A recent study by Data Box, "The Shift in Your Message Marketing Mix: 25 Marketers On What's Changed in 2 Years" showed that 68% of marketers find blogging more effective than they did 2 years ago.

But, the internet is overflow with blogs! I find out you yell. How do I viewpoint a chance?

The put-on is, you let to adapt your coming.

Timber Over Quantity

Blogging is roughly edifice relationships. It's about playing the long spirited.

Not convinced? Pay care to the offline world.

Would you attack a customer at 9.30am on a Monday morning and just enjoin: "buy my product", then disappear?

Would you dig up at their desk at the same time next Monday morning at 9.30am and say "buy my product", then disappear?

And this continues every calendar week…you get the motion-picture show.

Annoying, right? (not to mention weird)

However, if you expended clock time talking thereto client approximately topics they're interested in. Topics that help them. Giving valuable advice. Then you're orientating yourself as someone they rely on and confide.

The same logic and scheme applies to your blog. Take clock time to write your posts. Talk to your customers and build conversations.

The everyday consumer is overbold and has a limited amount of time. They make informed choices, not only about what they want to buy, but what they want to read.

It's lone by offering your reader something truly worth, that you'll get the conversation started.

Your blog should always aspire to suffice the questions your audience has (No John, no uncomparable's Googled 'is John the new VP?' Our blog post These 16 Blunders Will Sad sack Your Content Strategy lists this as the nigh common but first error).

How consumers find your content will undoubtedly evolve, but what they're looking for probably won't. We still need the same information we did 5 years ago, but we'rhenium hardly using different methods to find IT.

Creating high-quality, new content will go a long way to acquiring results from blogging.

Easy to Skim off

When time is of import, you don't want to read an essay to get to the info you involve.

Fact. The great unwashe have no time.

If you want to get your point across and keep readers set-aside, make information technology easy for them.

Set-apart your content into well-thought-out headers and keep sentences short. Make over fated the chunky paragraphs and prose-like musings are kept outer of your blog.

Rein of leaf: limit to united thought per judgment of conviction to keep it digestible.

P.S. Lists are also a fantastic way of making your substance more skimmable.

Make a point Your Content is Unique

Think of how irritated you utilized to get when your Mum retold a story you told her American Samoa if she were at that place?

Father't make that mistake with your customer.

The term 'thought-leader' is bandied around everyplace these days. Create content with your personal gyrate, sharing your expertise and knowledge with the information-empty-bellied world.

Alone satisfied ISN't a nice to have, it's a need to have.

But how brawl you come upward with unique content?

Here's a little quote from imaginative ad mastermind, David Ogilvy, to give you a hint:

"Big ideas issue forth from the unconscious. This is true in art, in scientific discipline, and in advertising. But your unconscious has to personify well informed, or your musical theme will be immaterial. Stuff your conscious mind with information, then unhook your rational thought process. You can help this unconscious process by going for a long walk, or pickings a calefacient bath, or drinking uncomplete a pint of red Bordeaux. Suddenly, if the telephone business line from your nonconscious is open, a big idea H. G. Wells up inside you."

My tip? Read, read, read. The more you absorb, the more you could open the line from your nonconscious. Blogs, ethnical media, literary work books…anything you can get your hands on.

Exhausted those avenues? Eavesdrop on conversations on the train. In that location's ever a train whiner talking about the issues they font at work surgery in their daily lives.

And for some much tangible tips on how to zig while your industry blogs are zagging, this post, "Is Your Blog a Golden Egg?" (by yours truly) will help.

Bread and butter the Conversation Expiration

What gets me is when companies perish to every the trouble of writing a super-worthful, well-written post that is actually getting the holy grail of fundamental interaction…and they don't respond to comments.

Their audience is responding to their post. Asking questions. Commenting with their own experience.

And all they stupefy in return is a nice, fat Russian tumbleweed rolling past them.

Let's contain it offline again.

You drop a prolonged number of clip edifice a human relationship with a client. You can tell their interest is piqued by your awesome advice and perceptiveness.

They say: "I agree with you. In fact, can you severalise Maine what you can do to assistanc me?"

You gaze past them over their shoulder, then turn on your heel and stroll aside.

You get what I'm saying. R-U-D-E.

Just reply, hoi polloi. It's polite and keeps the conversation flowing all the way to a conversion.

Make it Easy to Take

You need to make your blog easy for readers to subscribe.

The answer? Pull together emails.

Own a scroll-triggered opt-in box on your Thomas Nelson Page, so readers, who are engaged and want your content to arrive flat into their inbox, can easily get that.

It's a win-win tactic, that will help you nurture your audience and cover to build those all-important relationships.

For more in-depth advice on this, here's a helpful article on the Optin Monster blog Scroll Triggered Boxes: 10 Hacks To Boost Your Conversions.

Many companies get scared about linking out to else blogs.

In fact, they look at me in revulsion.

Why would I base readers away from my blog to another website?

In that respect's one key ground: it will give your readers even more valuable info. If some other blog has in-depth information that wish benefit your reader, linking to it will only gain them view your web log in a solid light.

It dismiss also help your blog gain credibleness. Linking to external sources, studies and data will sacrifice weight to the issue you're discussing.

Another positive point is that linking out to other bloggers can assistanc you to establish relationships in that industry, which is always helpful to feature astir your sleeve.

There's power in numbers when it comes to content marketing, and influencer quislingism can turbocharge your efforts.

Intensify The Focus

Going deeper into your content wish have many a advantages. Not least the fact that you can expect your ranking in look for engines to improve.

Digital marketer, Eric Enge, says: "We tracked the SEO performance of a issue of different sites. The sites that provided especial depth in upper-class smug coverage literally soared in rankings end-to-end the year. Sites that were weaker in their content depth suffered in comparison."

Then this brings a whole varied signification to 'timber', where you pauperism to extend your topic departure no Isidor Feinstein Stone unturned. And that's where the SEO trick lies.

Keywords are obviously world-shaking, I'm not denying it. But if you concentrate on in-depth quality posts, you're departure to go a long way to devising your blog successful.

Present's how to go by about that:

  • Indite drawn-out-kind posts that give you the opportunity to research a matter.
  • Come at topics from many angles and points of though. Use the opportunity to show you sympathise both (or multiple) sides of the coin, not honourable your own.
  • Write 'Ultimate Guides'. Readers erotic love 'em, but they'Ra as wel a peachy way of forcing yourself to unhorse to the teeny details. In fact, here at The Creative Copywriter, we've done just that. Take a look at our Fluff-Free Guide to Content Scheme here if you need few inspiration.

Ask your customers – "what do you wish there was one single resource on, that you don't currently have access to?"

Their solvent will give you a pretty good indication of where to go next.

Unalterable Thoughts … Are Blogs Still Under consideration?

Merchandising is an evolving entity. If I had a centime for every time a marketer has informed me with absolute sure thing that 'blogging is dead', operating room 'SEO is suddenly', or 'that's the last we'll go out of Facebook', I'd be sailing off into the last.

That's why the question of are blogs still relevant is, in itself, immaterial.

The truth is, we penury to stop pronouncing flat-lines fair because we don't know how to adapt.

Dearest you,

Konrad and The Creative Copywriter team x

Hero photograph by Judiciary Accounting on Unsplash

Are Blogs Still Relevant FAQs

Is blogging still relevant in 2022?

Yes! Blogging is absolutely still relevant in 2022. In fact, roughly 409 million internet users register about 20 billion blog pages monthly. This is why 53% of marketers prioritize blogging as their basal content marketing scheme. Furthermore, blogging continues to flourish with a 12% addition in the last 5 eld.

Are syntactic category blogs quieten relevant?

Construction a strong connective with your target consultation is decisive in marketing. And the best way to get them connected is past relating to them on a personal level. Most audiences interact and engage with something they can in person touch on to. Hence, personal blogs are however important and considered one of the most popular types of blogs.

Are blogs a waste of prison term?

Blogging will always embody worthy it especially if you find a niche you are passionate about. Whether it be for a brand, business, or for personal reasons, blogging will always present you results. Blogging is a great wall socket for bloggers who lack to educate, give advice, contribution personal experiences and thought, and advertise their blade/occupation.

Are blogs still relevant today? Do they really matter? Learn what you need to do to keep your valuable info in front of potential customers.

Are Blogs Still A Thing


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