
How To Write Blog Post For Instant Articles Facebook Properly

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Do you feel your website is not getting much traffic from Facebook because of many changes in Facebook Newsfeed algorithms recently? Now, you could bring your traffic from Facebook back. Because Facebook has once again come up with a new feature. Facebook's unique feature is its Instant Articles.

Facebook Instant articles are accessible only from mobile devices. Since mobile traffic is increasing exponentially in recent years, every website owner needs to target mobile users.

The main aim of Facebook instant articles was to prevent users from moving out of Facebook. So if you see a link on Facebook and an instant article, it's going to open in the same app with just one click when you click it. At the same time, many of the bloggers are benefited from this.

You could have probably seen this while browsing the OnlineRockersHub Facebook page through your Facebook app. The instant articles will look like this.

OnlineRockersHub facebook instant articles

Setting up Facebook instant articles for your WordPress blog is pretty straightforward. This is because of the official WordPress plugin. You don't need to be an expert to make this conversion. With easy and simple steps, you can attract traffic from Facebook.

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Setup Instant Articles For Your WordPress WebsiteSetup Instant Articles For Your WordPress Website

This tutorial will explain to you in detail about setting up instant articles for your WordPress blog. However, before getting into the tutorial, you will need the following stuff to go on with the tutorial.

Facebook page
Self Hosted WordPress site

Total Time: 12 minutes

Start ConfigurationStart Configuration

Get Started with Facebook instant articles plugin

Once you have installed and activated the plugin, click the "Get Started" button.

Create a Facebook AppCreate a Facebook App

Get App id for Facebook Instant Articles

To connect your Facebook page to your WordPress blog, you need to get an App Id and App Secret code from Facebook. To get the credentials, just click the "Get App ID" button.

Add a New AppAdd a New App

Click "Add New App ID" for Facebook Instant Articles

Now, you will be taken to the App Developers page. Click the "Add a New App" button.

Select Basic SetupSelect Basic Setup

Click Basic setup in Facebook app developers app

As soon as you click, a dialog box pops up with various options to choose the platform you want. Then, just click the"basic setup" hyperlink at the end of the dialog box.

Enter App DetailsEnter App Details

Enter App details for your facebook app

In the next dialog box, you need to fill up the details of the new App Id. Enter the name of your app. Try giving a meaningful name. Since this is just a tutorial, I have used the phrase "Online Rockers Hub website demo."

And enter your email address in the contact email box. Then, in the categories dropdown box, select the category of your app. For example, since we are creating this app for our Facebook page, choose "Apps for Pages." Now click " Create App Id."

On the app developers page, under settings, choose the basic tab. For example, on this page, you could set an image for your app. The recommended image size is 1024 x 1024 resolution. But thus not mandatory. If you have created the privacy policy and terms of service for this app, enter the link in the respective box, else skip it.

Add New PlatformAdd New Platform

Choose platform under basic settings in facebook app developers page

Click the "+ Add Platform" button visible at the end of the page.

Choose the PlatformChoose the Platform

Select website as platform in facebook app developers page

Now, you will have to select the platform where the app is gonna be used. For example, we are using this App for our website. Hence select "Website."

Add DomainAdd Domain

Enter website address in your facebook app details

Now, you will have to enter your domain in the app domains box.

Note: While entering the App domains box, enter your domain without www. and http://. If you are inserting them, you will face some errors later in this tutorial.

And then enter your website address as you like in the URL box and then click " Save Changes."  That's it. Now the app has been created.

Verify App CredentialsVerify App Credentials

Copy the App ID and App secret code

The next step is to copy and paste the App Id and App secret code and paste them into the Facebook Instant Articles dashboard.

Log in with FacebookLog in with Facebook

Login to your facebook account

If you have entered the details ideally, you will be asked to "Login with Facebook." Facebook will now ask permission to verify your Facebook account.

Complete the ProcessComplete the Process

Give access for your app

If you followed the steps correctly so far, you would not find any error in logging in to your Facebook. Else, you will find some mistakes. Don't panic. Facebook will also give you the reasons why that error has occurred. You can solve it very quickly.

Customize Instant ArticlesCustomize Instant Articles

Facebook pages associated with your facebook account

Return to Facebook Instant articles plugin page. It will display all the Facebook pages in your account. Next, select the page for which you want instant articles. Note, the page you are choosing is where you can access all Facebook instant article tools.

Once you selected the page, click the "Select" button.

Customize the StyleCustomize the Style

Click customize to edit the styles of your app

The following process is to customize the style of instant articles for your domain. Just click the "Customize" button, and you will be taken to the Facebook instant articles configuration page, where you get the opportunity to edit the styles. You can edit the default style or just create a new one.

Design EverythingDesign Everything

Default style for your instant articles

This style option allows you to add a header logo for each instant article that belongs to your domain. And you can set up the fonts for your instant articles.

Complete the CustomizationComplete the Customization

Click Next to finish customizing facebook instant articles styles

Once you have done save the styles, return to the Facebook instant articles plugin page and click "Next."

Submit for ReviewSubmit for Review

Successful review for facebook instant articles

Now, you will have to submit your content for review. Once you click the " Submit for Review" button, you can send 5 articles for review.

You will see Facebook instant articles only after the review process.

If your application gets rejected, no worry. They would have sent the reason why it was denied. It's usually an easy process to solve them. I, too, got my instant articles only after 2-3 reviews. Just mail me at I will help you solve them.

After a successful review, you can check your website posts shared on Facebook in your mobile app. They would have been transformed into instant articles. Just click them, your article will open in the same app without moving out of Facebook.


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Stuck Anywhere?Stuck Anywhere?

If you need any help in between, just feel free to comment here or connect with me through the contact form. I will probably reply to every email within 24 business hours.

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How To Write Blog Post For Instant Articles Facebook Properly


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