
How To Say Rabbit In Spanish

The Word for Rabbit in Unlike Languages

Or…A rabbit past any other name is yet a rabbit.

A note on organization

Languages are listed alphabetically co-ordinate to linguistic communication family. A language family is a group of languages which derive from a common female parent linguistic communication. For example, many of the languages of Europe, West Asia, and the Subcontinent (such as High german, Russian, Latin, Sanskrit,Persian, Armenian, Greek, etc.) vest to the Indo-European family of languages. Due to the many similarities in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary between these languages, linguists believe that there was at 1 time a single language, called Proto-Indo-European, from which these ultimately derived.

Languages can be further subdivided into branches. For instance, English language, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian are much more similar to each other than Russian, Shine, Czech, Serbian, and Ukranian. The first set of languages belongs to what is chosen the Germanic branch, while the second ready belongs to the Slavic branch. Yet they are all Indo-European languages. (Compare the words for rabbit in the Germanic and Slavic languages given below.)

Some language families, such as Indo-European, have been exhaustively studied over the past century and are well-established past linguists, while others, such as Amerind and Altaic, are far more controversial. This web site is not attempting to make definitive statements on the classification of languages! More controversial language families accept been adopted here simply as a convenience. Remember, it's all for fun!

A note on submissions

If you speak a item variety of a linguistic communication (e.g., Swiss German and Bavarian are varieties of German), delight be certain to include this information in your e-postal service. This is a great assistance when sorting out multiple submissions for one linguistic communication. Please send your words for rabbit For languages written in a not-Roman script, feel complimentary to include a gif or jpg of the give-and-take written in the native script.

Afro-Asiatic (languages spoken in Northern Africa and the Heart East)
Somali bakayle
Arabic arneb
arnab bari (wild rabbit)
arnob (bunny – baby rabbit)
Hebrew arnevet (hare)
arnavon/arnavoni (little sweet bunny)
Maltese fenek (rabbit)
fenek abjad (white rabbit)
fenek iswed (blackness rabbit)
zermug (baby rabbit
Altaic (languages spoken in Turkey, Central Asia, Siberia and Eastern asia)
      East Asian
Japanese usagi
Korean toki
San Toki ('Mountain Rabbit') is a pop children'southward vocal:
'Mount Rabbit, Rabbit/ where are you lot going?/Equally you lot hop hop hop,/ where are y'all going?
Kazakh kenek
Turkish oda tava_ani
Amerind (includes most of the indigenous languages of North and South America)


Ojibwe waabooz


Cherokee tsi s du Penutian
Chinook quetshadee


Dakota mastinca


Nahuatl ometochtli
Vietnamese tho
Austronesian  (languages spoken in Taiwan, Oceania, Madagascar and Hawai'i)


Bahasa Malaysia arnab
Hawaiian lapaki
Indonesian kelinci
Maori raapeti
Malagasy bitro
Malay kelintji arnab
Tagalog kuneho
Dravidian  (languages spoken mostly in southern India and Sri Lanka)
Tamil muyal
Eskimo-Aleut  (languages spoken in northern Alaska, Canada and Greenland)
Eskimo ukalerk
Eskimo (Inupiaq) ukulaitchiaq olark
Kadai  (languages spoken in Southeast Asia)
Thai gra-dty
Indo-European (languages historically spoken in Europe, West Asia and the Subcontinent)


Albanian lepur (hare)
lepurush (bunny)


Armenian (Western) nabastak
Armenian (Classical) napastak


Latvian trusis zakis (hare)
Lithuanian kralikas zuikutis (small bunny rabbit)


Irish gaelic coinân giorria (hare)
Cornish conyn conynas (plural)
Manx coneeyn conning (bunny)
Gaelic coineanach coineagan coineanach an taighe
(house rabbit)
Welsh cwningen


Afrikaans haas (hare)
Bavarian kinihÔs
Danish kanin
Dutch haas (hare)
konijn (bunny)
konijntje (bunny)
nijntje (used as an affectionate term.)
Also a famous drawing rabbit in Kingdom of the netherlands.
English language (Archaic) coney
Flanders keun
Flemish konijn keun
Frisian (Wester Lauwer) knyn hazze (hare)
German Kaninchen (rabbit)
Hase (hare)
Icelandic kanina
Norwegian (BokmÔl) kanin
Swedish kanin
Swiss German Hassli (pocket-sized hare)
Swiss German language (Basel region) ChÉngel
Yiddish krolik


Greek (Mod) kouneli
Greek (Classical) lagos


Bengali chorgosh
Gujarati saslu
Hindi khargosh
Classical Sanskrit shashaka
Vedic Sanskrit shasha
Sinhalese haava haapetiya (infant rabbit)
Urdu kargosh


Kurdish karwesh (literally, 'donkey ears')
Persian (Farsi) khargoosh
(literally, 'donkey ears')


Aragonese coniello
Catalan conill
French lapin lapereau (immature rabbit)
lapin de clapier (tame rabbit)
Italian coniglio
coniglietto (bunny)
Latin cuniculus
Was also used for soldiers who dug tunnels
cuniculosus (total of rabbits)
lepus (hare)
Portuguese* coelho
coelha (female rabbit)
coelhinho (piffling rabbit)
lebre (female hare)
lebrÉo (male person hare)
*Note: several of our documents are available in Portuguese.
Romanian iepure iepura (bunny)
iepurime (warren of rabbits)
iepuroaica (female rabbit)
iepuroi (male rabbit)
Spanish conejo conejito (little rabbit)


Bulgarian zayek (rabbit, hare)
Czech králík (kra:li:yard) rabbit
králíček (kra:li:czech) little rabbit
Croatian kunic zets
Macedonian zajak zajache zajko
Montenegrian zec
Polish królik
króliczek (bunny)
Russian krolik zayets zaychek (endearing form for bunny)
Serbian kunit
Slovak králik
Slovenian kunec zajec (hare)
*Notation: the discussion zajec or diminuitive zajcek is more generally used for both species. It can as well be a person's beginning name.
Ukranian kril' kri-lyk (domesticated)
kri-lyky (domesticated, plural)
zaichyk (endearment)
Niger-Kordofanian (languages spoken in West and Central Africa)


Lozi shakame
Swahili sungura
Swati umgwaja
Xhosa umvundia
Zulu unogwaja
Nilo-Saharan (languages spoken in the Sahara and Central Africa)
Lwo apwoyo
Sino-Tibetan (languages spoken in Mainland China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia)


Burmese youn


Cantonese pak toi (white rabbit)
yah toi (wild rabbit)
toi bao bao (infant rabbit)
Chinese (Mandarin) tu zi (rabbit)
baitu (white rabbit)
xiao baitu (little white rabbit)
Taiwanese to-ah


Tibetan reepong
Uralic (languages spoken in northern Scandanavia, Finland, Republic of estonia, Hungary and Siberia)


Estonian kodu-janes (tame hare)
Finnish jÉnis kani
Hungarian házinyúl
Language Isolates (languages that have no clear connections with whatsoever other language. They are plant throughout the earth.)

Basque untxi  erbi (hare)
Artificial Languages
Esperanto kuniklo


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